death in Akha belief is the change from human world to the hereafter
where is the place for their ancestors spirits. If they do the right
ceremony after death; it is said that the spirits won't be in dangers.
In contrast, they will protect the following generations for eternally
remaining their clans. As soon as there is somebody died, the members
in the family will take a bath for the corpses and dress them the new
clothes. They will put the silver coin in the dead body's mouth and
tell them to spend that money for whatever he/she wants. Then, they
will tie the dead body with the black fabric and cover it again with
the red fabric. Afterward, the corpses is ready to prepare the
ceremony, his/her son will call all the names of his/her ancestors who
are in the same race. In case of the son has no ability about that;"
Pima" a religion leader of Akha will perform the ceremony instead. He
will pray for funerals every nights until the corpses is taken to bury.
Some of the relatives who come to the funeral may gambling, some are
crying with sorrow or mourning for a death and also do the black magic
as their belief.
person who throws away the shelter has to say out loud to the ancestors
that as the result of the inability of protecting the grandchildren,
then, nobody will worship him/her. It extremely shows that Akahs have a
strong idea about the family duty tradition. In general, Akahs will not
talk about death or do something that can invite the spirits back to
their bodies again such as knock the coffin next to the corpses,
whistle in a room or wife/husband calls the black magic of the dead
bodies. It is believed that when they are alive, they should not be
worried about the death and when they left the world, it is not their
business to interfere with the world once again.
The Funeral
ceremony before burying, the shaman will be invited to pay in the
funeral in Akha style for 3 days and 2 nights without any mistake. The
sorcery is about the way for the spirit of the death to reach to the
peaceful place at the hereafter. If the person who died was the
important aged, at least one buffalo will be killed for the
scarification. The only expert shaman (Pima) who can call all spirit to
help stabbing the buffalo in the right way. There are many brave men
had to hold the buffalo's head and open its mouth while others are
stabbing. The water will be poured into the buffalo's mouth in order to
stop the roar and it's' head will be drown out with the chaff after the
slaughter is done. |
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The Interment
strong men will carry the coffin which is tied with the 2 long beams
from the house to the cemetery. There will be the hold for bury the
corpse which is digging in a line shape from East to West. One of the
coffin carriers will grab a handful of grass (The grasses are the
material to make the roof) and he will stick it with a robe for closing
the coffin. It indicates as the symbol that the alive people will share
a place to stay for the dead body. Next, the small area of rice field
will be given to him/her as well and the ceremony will be held at the
cemetery. On the hole with the corpse in while which is already drown out, there are the personal stuffs of the dead body such as a pipe, a teacup, a gourd, the equipments for living and the prong will be put over the beginning of the hole as the symbol of the satchel for containing food for him/her. When the ceremony is done, the members in the same family of the dead body back to their house, they will have a sending spirit meal together for emphasizing the dead person about the boundary of alive people and the death. He/she should not disturb the alive people. Afterward, there will be the ceremony which is held for inviting the spirit of the dead person to protect their relatives a year after the death as same as other ancestors. |
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The Terribly Death
death which is Akhas believes that are bad: died in a violent death and
died without the person who can continue their clans. For the first
kind of death, there will be the ceremony to wash away their sins or
make the apologize deities and ghosts before taking him/her to bury at
the cemetery in the village. There are 3 other different deaths which
are forbidden to bury at the cemetery but those corpses have to take to
bury at the special place. There are the death that causes by the
tiger, the death which cause by drown and the death from smallpox. The
hole will have to be especially deep because the dog will be buried
over the dead body in order to block the ghost to disturb the alive
people. For the death without a person who can continue their clans:
the ceremony will almost be held as same as normal but there is one
difference that the wall will be punctured for taking the dead body
that way. It can not be taken by the door because there is no more
someone to worship the ancestor and the shelter will be dismantled and
take it to the forest while the corpse is buried. |
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